Health Requirements and Forms
Health Requirements and Forms
A physical and physician physical exam form needs completed for all students entering 6th and 11th grade, or any student entering school for the first time- Print form here
A dental form needs completed for all students entering 7th grade, or any student entering school for the first time- Print dental form here
A current and complete immunization record must be on file BEFORE THE STUDENT CAN ENTER SCHOOL for all students, or a signed medical or religious exemption form (request card from office for exemption requests)
A Cornerstone sports physical form must be provided each year before participation in athletics. Print- Sports Physical Form
For medications in school- including over the counter meds like pain relievers, cold and allergy medications, or prescription meds like inhalers, antibiotics, etc- students MUST have a physician signed release and prescription. Most meds (except inhalers) MUST be stored in the office. (Notify us if you did not receive a form via email at