Great Lakes Scrip program
How to register:
Click on the Register tab on the top right
Click on “Join an existing program”
Call school office to request enrollment code- (412) 466-1919
Then follow the step to set up your own account.
Once you have an account you can add a bank account to pay for your cards. You will also be able to send a check in to the school. The orders are due to the school by noon on the first and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. Delivery is on the following Friday.
You can pay and print certain gift cards on your own. You can also reload many gift cards at your own convenience.
If you already have an account just make sure you select Cornerstone Prep Wilson Campus as your school.
You can order Giant Eagle gift cards then buy other gift cards at Giant Eagle to get your fuel perks.
Questions about the scrip program please contact the school office